Most Internet ERROR Codes..

 ==>Most Internet ERROR Codes..

       Hello, guys, I'm going to show you most important internet ERROR codes that actually help you future internet surfing experience. Today we are all connected to the internet and everyone likes to surfing the internet just like Google, Facebook, Whats app, YouTube etc.
                                      In this situation, unexpectedly stop surfing when you get an error message just like ERROR 400. ERROR 404, ERROR 503. After then you'll try to identify the error code. That's the reason I've to show you some most important ERROR Code list. Let's Start===>

  1. Error 400- Bad request
  2. Error 401- unauthorized request
  3. Error 403- forbidden
  4. Error 404- Not found
  5. Error 500- Internal error
  6. Error 501- Not Implemented
  7. Error 502- Bad Gateway
  8. Error 503- Service unavailable
  9. Error 504- Gateway Time-out
  10. Error 505- HTTP version not Supported
  11. Error 500-599-Server Errors.